
The Michigan Massage Championship is an event that showcases the skills and talents of massage therapists. It's a great opportunity to learn from other professionals, network with peers, and meet other amazing therapists. The championship is open to all Licensed and Insured Massage Therapists. Licensed & Insured Estheticians may compete in the Facial Category ONLY. Only Michigan & Ohio State Licensed Massage Therapists qualify for the overall awards. Indiana Massage Therapists will compete with other Indiana Massage Therapists for their own prize categories. Your registration cost is non refundable.

Choose to showcase your massage skills in one of these Categories :


Wellness Massage



Freestyle Eastern Inspired

Freestyle Western Inspired

Body Sculpting

Student / New LMT

Each category has its own criteria and expectations, and participants can choose to enter one or more categories. The championship is judged by a panel of Award Winning Massage Championship experts & educators in the field utilizing the International Massage Assoc (IMA) point system within the following categories:



* Flow


*Client Contact

Therapists in all states will compete for the following medals :

Michigan Category Medals (3):




Michigan : Grand Prize $750 Value

Massage Therapists must be licensed in the State of Michigan to qualify for the Overall Award & Grand Prize. Students& out of state licensees cannot compete for the overall grand prize.

The Top Overall  Winner for the State of Michigan will each receive the grand prize of the FREE Ticket of entry into the American Massage Championship and World Massage Festival taking place together, July 2025 in Las Vegas, with a $750 Prize Value. The grand prize is non-transferrable and may not be carried over to the following year. The overall winner from each category will get a gold, silver or bronze medal.

The championship will take place on Saturday May 3, 2025 in Detroit, MI along with a wellness expo adjacent & CE classes on day 2. The venue is spacious and comfortable & has a discounted room rate for out of town guests of $279 pernight. It is right on the riverfrontwith plenty of sights to see.

Saturday May 3,2025 - Championship & wellness expo

8:00 set up in ballroom & vendor showcase opens with education booths

9:00 championship starts

Round 1 : 9:00-10:00 A.M.

10:10-10:30 Table breakdown

10:10-10:40 judges meet in boardroom

10:30-10:50 table set up for round 2

Round 2 : 11:00-12:00 NOON

12:10-12:30 Table Breakdown

12:10-12:40 judges meet in boardroom

12:30-1:30 Lunch is served in the vendor hall

1:30-1:50 Table set up for student round

2:00-3:00 Round 3

3:10-3:30 Table breakdown

3:10-3:40 Judges meet in boardroom

3:30-3:50 Table set up for Finals

4:00-5:00 Final Round ( Gold in each category will compete for overall winner)

5:10-5:40 Table breakdown & clean up •Entire ballroom must be cleared •

5:10-5:40 Judges meet in boardroom

6:00 Award Ceremony- Winners Announced

Dinner & Celebration to Follow

Please bring your own table, chair, or mat and the equipment you'll need. CEU providers may have products for sale .

Upon Registering you will be asked to provide the following:

Full Name, Email, Phone Number, Address

Copy of State Massage License

Copy of Massage Insurance

Copy of valid ID / Drivers License

Participants agree to be photographed and filmed at this event for the organizer to use for the promotional purposes of future events. Media release will be sent to your email provided.


This year’s championships has several categories.  PLEASE read carefully to understand the differences and requirements of each category.  

Student/Beginning Therapist Level

  • Open: Freestyle massage

  • The open/freestyle category for the student/beginning level allows for the state’s newest therapists to get into and learn about massage competition. Each participant will use their personal best techniques and methods during competition. In order to qualify for this level you must demonstrate that you are still in school or have less than 2 years experience as a LMT. Students in this category will NOT be eligible to win the overall competition and will not be selected as the Michigan, Ohio or Indiana representative at the American Massage Championship as they are not licensed and that is a requirement for AMC.

Professional Level

Open/ Eastern & Western Freestyle massage. To enter this category you must be an LMT.  The free style massage allows participants to use their personal best techniques and methods inspired by Western & Eastern style massage. Methods may include: mobilization, cupping, massage with tools, classic bodywork, myofascial release, muscle energy techniques,neuromuscular techniques, stretching, Hot Stone, Aromatherapy, spa massage, lymph drainage, holistic massage, Shiatsu, Acupressure, Thai massage, etc.

Entering and winning (bronze, silver, or gold) in this category will set you up to compete for the overall winner of the competition.

Duration of the Freestyle round is 65 minutes. Intake for the freestyle round and getting your client on the table will occur shortly before start, and should take no longer than 5 minutes. Do Not Hold Up The Round.

Clinical Massage. To enter this category you must be an LMT. The clinical massage uses a combination of massage modalities in which the goal is to improve the condition of the client and their needs. The end result and overall change of the client is most important in this category. Massage techniques may include (but not limited to): structural integration bodywork, sports massage, Medical Massage, Trunamics, Feldenkrase, etc. Entering and winning (bronze, silver, or gold) in this category will set you up to compete for the overall winner of the competition.

Clinical will be a 60 minute round. You must manage your time appropriately. You may use it how you chose. Intake/assessment, massage, and post treatment evaluation must occur within the time frame allotted. For instance 10 minute intake and assessment,  40 minute massage and 10 minutes post treatment evaluation. There will be additional time after the round for questions from the judges for both the therapist and the client/patient. This is a requirement for this category. You must be able to prove/validate the efficacy of your treatment, why you chose to do what you did, and discuss professionally your choices for treatment in that round.  

Participation Requirements Professional Level


  • All Licensed Massage Therapists can choose to participate in one or two categories.

  • We do follow AMC & IMA open door policy to include therapist from all states & internationally. You must have proper training & insurance.

  • You must provide a copy of your current and active massage license with your application.

  • ONLY MI LMT’s will be eligible to compete for the Overall Winner and represent their state at the American Massage Championship.

  • Out of state therapists may compete and win in a category but will not be eligible for the overall winner/contest.

Participation Requirements Student/Beginning Level (not professional):

  • If you are a student, currently enrolled in a program & have completed at least ⅔ of their schools curriculum OR a new licensed massage therapist (less than 2 years experience)  you have an option to compete in the student/beginning category. If you choose to compete in this category you may ONLY compete in the student/beginning category.

  • You must have a letter from your massage school on school letterhead indicating your current student status OR indicating your recent graduation date. This letter must accompany your application.  

  • If you are currently licensed and competing as a beginner you will need to provide a copy of your current and active license with your application.

Participation Requirements ALL COMPETITORS:

  • Participants must be appropriately attired for the work they are presenting. IE’ sports pants or yoga pants, T-shirts, scrubs etc. professionalism counts.BOTH IN CONDUCT AND APPEARANCE.

  • Participants are to bring their own table, sheets, towels, tools, etc.. Nothing will be provided for you. You need to bring what you need to present at your best.

  • All participants wishing to compete must be prepared to receive a massage as part of the competition. We do not discriminate against gender identity, orientation, or ethnicity & we expect the same from ALL participants. You will be paired with another contestant by lottery.

  • It is your own insurance that covers both you and the participant you treat during the competition. You must provide proof of insurance with your application and upon check-in to the competition. This goes for students also.

  • Check out this option for free student insurance:



Competition area:

  • The competition area is divided into a grid allowing each participant an approximate 10’ x 10’ space. The table location/work space for each participant will be chosen by drawing names.

  • The number of participants performing massage at the same time will be determined based on the space available and the number of participants registered.

  • Participants must provide their own equipment (tables, mats, chairs, etc.)

  • Participants must provide necessary items for client evaluation and assessment in the clinical round


  • Spectators will be allowed to observe the competition.

  • Spectators will be required to stay in the spectator area at all times.

  • There will be limited seating available in the spectator area on a first come first serve basis.

  • Spectators will not be able to take pictures or video during the massage competition. Before or after ONLY!  

  • Spectators must silence their phones or turn them off during competition & maintain a level of low voice control . Please respect this creative process.

Massage Championship Policies

  • The recipient of the massage must wear underwear at all times. You may also wear chest/breast covering (sports bra, crop top, bikini top, tank top) if you desire. Any area which is not being worked on must be covered/draped.

  • No cameras are allowed during the rounds and the final. Unauthorized use of cameras and recordings can result in expulsion.

  • There is an absolute zero tolerance policy concerning inappropriate behavior. Any massage of sensual/sexual nature would result in immediate disqualification and expulsion from the Championship.This is at the discretion of the judges and competition director.

  • No chiropractic and osteopathic manipulations are allowed during the competition.

  • Everyone participating or attending the Michigan / Ohio / Indiana Massage Championships will practice respect and demonstrate good sportsmanship behavior before, during, and after the competition. Good sportsmanship means to respect the integrity of every individual at the event and exemplify the highest moral character and adhere to ethical standards.  Everyone should display modesty in victory and graciousness in defeat. There will be ZERO tolerance of unsportsmanlike conduct. Violations of this policy will result in  IMMEDIATE AND PERMANENT REMOVAL from the Illinois Massage Championship.

  • The MI/OH/IN Massage Championships is an open environment for every massage therapist to display their skills & see other therapists do their best on that given day. It’s an opportunity to learn, grow & further develop. It’s a  place where we can create a larger Massage community, better our profession, and encourage growth & positive public perception in all cases for Massage. You are encouraged to learn & grow, be your best in this environment, support the winners and be proud of yourself for participating.

  • Accommodate - if you make accommodations to your technique ergonomics etc due injuries or other orthopedic conditions. Please inform the judges about it with a brief statement.

  • Keep in mind this is a competition. While there are main techniques and details the judges are looking for, each small detail may be the thing to help or hurt your overall score (tidiness of area, getting client on/off table, draping/modesty,  how you conduct pre/post assessment, etc). If you are in doubt of what you may be judged on and how this may affect your score please reach out or plan to attend one of the pre-competition meetings/events.