WELCOME to the Michigan Massage Championship


MAY 3-4, 2025 DETROIT, MI

Marriott Renaissance Center

CE Classes

Day 2 of the championship, May 4 will offer continuing education workshops at a local space. You do not have to participate to register to attend a CE course. These classes are not yet set in stone but will offer 2 this year- Sunday only.


Compete in the championship, May 3 to showcase your skills.

Categories: Swedish, Facial, Western Freestyle, Eastern Freestyle, Wellness, Clinical, Body Sculpting & Student / New LMT.

We will NOT have an open category this year. Please choose up to two categories from the list above to compete in.

ONLY licensed & insured massage therapists in the STATE of MICHIGAN can compete for the GRAND PRIZE & become the OVERALL winner for the STATE. Out of state licensees can compete for gold, silver & bronze in each category but not overall grand prizes.


Entry to the American Massage Champonships 2025 to represent Michigan ($250 value) Entry to the World Massage Festival 2025 ($500 Value) PRIZES ARE NON TRANSFERRABLE : Awarded to the overall winner / highest score in the state.

2025 will have 7 categories open PLUS student /new LMT (under 2 years) to include the new IMA category Body Sculpting.

OTHER PRIZES: Gold, Silver & Bronze Medals awarded in each category as long as a minimum of 3 participants are registered in the category. If less than 3 register, you will be put into an open category to compete in for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place.

SPONSORED PRIZES: Other states & business may offer prizes to winners at their discretion. We will list those as they come.

Licensed estheticians can compete in the championship - in the facial category ONLY. This means you can only massage the face, head, neck, arms & feet per state licensing guidelines; NO EXCTRACTIONS. This is a facial MASSAGE. 48 minutes must be on the face with the other 12 minutes spread out to those extremeties listed. Masks are allowed. Tools are allowed with a maximum of 30%. Intra Oral & Buccal Massage are allowed.

THERE will be a PREP class before the competetion for those who want to learn more. Stay tuned.


Sponsor your state championship and advertise your business.